Assessment and Student Tracking

Key Message

Year 7, 8 and 9 (Key Stage 3) targets describe where students need to reach by the end of Year 7, 8 or 9 to be making good progress towards GCSE success. Subsequent targets in Years 10 / 11 will show students and parents / carers what success for them will look like at GCSE.


Student Tracking

In order to provide regular information on your child’s progress, we will collect and provide you with information about their progress towards their end of year targets. This will happen twice during the academic year following internal examinations, at Student Tracking points (called ST1 and ST2).

The ST1 report will indicate whether your child is on course to exceed target (T+), meet target (T) or be below their end of year target (T-). The ST2 report will indicate where they have got to by the end of the year. In the ST2 report, teachers will provide ‘What Went Well’ (WWW) comments and ‘Even Better If’ (EBI) advice, illustrating what students need to do to further improve.



During the Autumn term, students will receive personalised targets in each subject they are studying. These targets are:

– End of year targets at Key Stage 3;
– Challenging but achievable;
– The minimum we would expect to be achieved and
– Generated using the national Fischer Family Trust (FFT) database.

FFT Targets
FFT Targets The FFT database generates personalised targets for each student in each subject they are studying. The database takes a student’s KS2 data*, if appropriate, looks for similar students with similar KS2 scores and generates an end of Year 11 target in each subject.

*In 2021-22, Year 7 students completed Cognitive Abilities Tests (CATs) which the FFT database will use to generate an end of Year 11 target, in the absence of KS2 scores.

KS3 Targets at The County High School, Leftwich
Subject Leaders and their teams have analysed the new GCSEs and have worked out how much progress each student should make by the end of each year to reach their end of Year 11 target in their subject. In doing so Subject Leaders and their teams have created subject-specific flight paths through their subjects using GCSE grades which have been split into three sections:

– Upper (e.g. 5U)
– Middle (e.g. 3M)
– Lower (e.g. 6L)

Please see below for an example of how subject flight paths might look, for two different end of Year 11 GCSE target grades:

Example Flight Path 1 Example Flight Path 2
End of Year 7 Target 2U 4M
End of Year 8 Target 3M 5L
End of Year 9 Target 4L 6M
Likely Range of FFT GCSE Target 6 8


Student Tracking Reports Issues Dates – To be confirmed


Reporting Progress

Year 7 2023-2024 Reporting Progress

Year 8 2023-2024 Reporting Progress

Year 9 2023-2024 Reporting Progress